Jekyll specific CSS and web fonts for latest posts on homepage

Written from Girona, Catalonia

How to do post specific CSS with Jekyll has been documented, but all examples I found only explain how to include a stylesheet in individual posts, and not on a site homepage, index.html. I feature my latest post in full on the homepage and so need any styles specific to it included there, and in this case I needed a web font specific to the post too.

My site’s directory structure looks something like this:

├── _config.yml
├── _drafts
|   └──
├── _layouts
|   ├── default.html
|   └── post.html
├── _posts
|   └──
├── _site
├── archive
|   └──
└── index.html

Adding the stylesheet

I started by following Jake Bresnehan’s write up, which shows how to add inline styles to a post. The following is added to default.html, in the <head>:

{% if %}
 <style type="text/css">
     {{ }}
{% endif %}

That snippet only adds the styles to a post when it has a style variable in its front-matter. To add styles to the homepage, index.html, only when that post is the latest post, I added the following:

{% if %}
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/art-direction/{{ }}">
{% elsif %}
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/art-direction/{{ }}">
{% endif %}

The first if statement checks to see if the latest post on index.html has a style variable in its front-matter, if it does the link to the named stylesheet is created.

The second statement checks to see if the file being generated is a post, as in Jake’s code snippet, and if it has a style variable in its front-matter. If it does the link to the named stylesheet is created.

I opted for a separate stylesheet file, instead of adding inline styles, kept in an art-direction folder.

Adding the web font

To include the Google web font I used the same setup, only using a “googlewebfonts” variable in the front-matter:

{% if %}
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/art-direction/{{ }}">
{% elsif %}
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/art-direction/{{ }}">
{% endif %}

{% if site.posts.first.googlewebfonts %}
  <link href='{{ site.posts.first.googlewebfonts }}'>
{% elsif page.googlewebfonts %}
  <link href='{{ page.googlewebfonts }}'>
{% endif %}

And my front-matter for the Don’t Fear JavaScript: The Comic post looks like this:

layout: post
title:  "Don’t Fear JavaScript: The Comic"
description: A short comic strip about a hero undertaking the learning of a language called JavaScript.
date: 2013-12-23 19:00:00
categories: code
tags: JavaScript, comics, fun
location: Girona, Catalonia

style: javascript-comic-001.css
googlewebfonts: Gloria+Hallelujah

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